What You Can Do About it
All About Cellulite and How to Get Rid of Those Nasty Dimples.
What Is Cellulite?
Cellulite is a collection of fatty toxins and fluids that are trapped under the connective tissue in the deeper levels of your skin. As it accumulates, the layer thickens and hardens creating that "cottage cheese" look. While regular body fat covers the body in a even layer and serves as insulation for the body, cellulite is only found in certain areas (stomach, thighs, butt and breasts) and does not serve as a protective layer.
Do I Have Cellulite?
95% of women have cellulite, but there are several other factors that can help you judge whether or not you have it. Look at your parents. If either one of them have it, you most likely do too. Cellulite typically becomes more visible with age. Pinch your skin where you think you might have cellulite and if it's bumpy rather than smooth, then the chances are you will develop it.
How Do I Get Rid of it?
The only way to permanently lessen cellulite is to exercise and watch your diet. But as many of us have found out, working off cellulite is harder than losing excess flesh from other parts of our bodies. That's because it's the slowest-burning fat in the body. But if you are absolutely determined to battle the nasty beast, here are some ways to help rid you of those unfriendly dimples:
Exercise regularly (try swimming and jogging) and eat healthy.
Massage the area of skin with a brush in a circular motion everyday both day and night,
directing your motion toward your heart.
Drink plenty of water to help your body cleanse the toxins from the body's cells.
Replace coffee with tea, and sugary desserts with fruits.
Take more vitamin C.
Although hours of exercise and watching every bite will eventually help you permanently get rid of cellulite, here are some alternatives.
Cellulite Creams
Is it possible to have a superfine body just by applying cellulite control cream everyday? Until now, prestige cosmetic companies have stayed away from controversial cellulite control products because their effectiveness hadn't been proven despite cries of joy from happy consumers. Whether these creams contain AHAs to create a less bumpy appearance, or they intensively moisturize to maintain the suppleness of the skin, some of them seem to work.
Cellulite creams try to improve the skin's elasticity which is typically lost due to a weakened network of elastin and collagen. It was observed that extremely flabby thighs got better results than those in better condition which, in many cases, showed little measurable improvement.
One of the latest products on the market is Biotherm's new Celluli-Peel, containing ingredients like ginseng extract, ginkgo baloba, caffeine, and their patented mineral-rich concentrate from thermal spring water.