that TELL on HIM

Is he burning his candle at both ends? Here are some signs that can tip you off

e aren't talking here about lusting in his heart. Even former president Jimmy Carter confessed to having indulged in that, and can you think of a less likely candidate for Philanderer of the Year? If you're going to start getting paranoid about all the times your man may have been tempted to cheat, or even entertained the possibility of doing so, you'll drive yourself into the funny farm or the divorce court.

On the other hand, nearly two-thirds of all married men and a third of all married women have told pollsters that they've had extramarital sex. Here are the clues most likely to surface when your man is being unfaithful. Spotting one or two at any given time may not be cause for alarm. Spot more than that over the course of several weeks, and you probably have a cheater on your hands.

Brace Yourself:

1. A sudden upturn in his demeanor or outlook on life.
In its initial stages, a new romance can add unaccustomed vitality to his expressions and movements. He may direct some of his renewed sense of well being on you. Before jumping to conclusions, however, consider other possible reasons for the change, like a new exercise program, successes at work, a new drug habit or a change in your own attitude which may have precipitated a reciprocal change.

2. He's constantly late.
A feature shared by all extra marital affairs is a shortage of time. Because he is forced to steal moments for his paramour, there will be a sudden increase in the number of times heÕs late coming home for dinner, family occasions or official functions.

3. He's constantly short of cash.
Trysts can take a lot of cash for meals and drinks, especially if the other woman is younger. A cheater may constantly run short of cash at times when you thought he had enough.

4. There's a marked increase in the number of hangup calls.
Serious affairs seldom allow a cheater to keep his life neatly compartmentalized.

5. You hear him making more phone calls late at night.

6. You detect exotic scents on his clothes.

7. You spot lipstick on his clothes.
How many times can you believe it was caused by his mother or an affectionate colleague.

8. You find ticket stubs in his pockets

9. You see scratchmarks on his body.
Cheaters quarrel.

10. He comes home with torn clothing.
Illicit romances can get violent when one or the other becomes possessive.

11. You see unexplainable parking receipts in his car.

12. You sense a marked change of attitude toward you on the part of his secretary, colleagues or friends.

13. He takes up new hobbies or friends that take him out of the house in the evenings and weekends.

14. You notice a sudden increase or decrease in sexual interest toward you.
An illicit affair is as likely to heighten as to lower his sexual interest in you.

15. He suddenly starts taking more business trips that last longer.

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