» health

Jan 23, 04:45 pm

Stay Interested

          Make a point in your life to dedicate energy and time to something that stirs your insides. People who are constantly stimulating their minds or involved in different activities have a higher life assessment and tend to live longer lives. Do something for you!

Be Active to Stay Productive

          The next time you consider using work as an excuse to blow off the gym, think again. Research from Stockholm University in Sweden found that employees were equally or more productive when they exercised two and a half hours during the week than when they spent that time working. So use your time wisely (and healthfully) and get that heart pumping. Exercise can help you discover a more productive, efficient and happier you.

Form Bonds

          Consider making some new friends on your lunch break. During social interactions our bodies release hormones like oxytocin which reduce levels of the stress chemical cortisol. Have a close sibling? A long running study at Harvard showed that 93% of subjects who were thriving at the age 65 had been close to a brother or sister in younger age. So if you’re more of the wallflower and tend to coop yourself up, consider scheduling some lunch dates with old (and new) friends to connect on a regular basis.


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