» love

Jun 3, 08:12 pm

Los Angeles, CA

“What’s Her Game?”

          “It seems to me that most Asian American men have at least a slight reaction to seeing an Asian American female dating outside her race; especially if the guy is White. This of course is compounded if the girl is cute and the guy is not… and he’s some jerk who continues to make poor decisions despite his recent time in jail, sigh. But I digress. As they say in Avenue Q, ‘Everyone’s a little bit racist.’ Sure, there are a lot of people out there that don’t let it affect their decisions, but I still roll my eyes whenever anyone says they ‘don’t see color’. Barring the literally color-blind, it just sounds like a pretentious dismissal of facts.

          That said, I don’t think the average AA guy reacts with any racial malice. If anything, it’s more of a misguided, ethnocentric pride that gets hurt. As if she’s saying to him, ‘This race is better than yours.’ Which is just a parallel of what I think it mostly is for single guys: self-pride. It opens up a Pandora’s Box: ‘What does he have, that I don’t?’ It could be any number of things, but if race is the recurring factor, it taps into a lifetime of experience as a racial minority; something that you have no control over. And the first question AA guys are going to want to ask is, ‘Why?’

          He may already have his own theories (crappy Asian dad, identity issues, seeking White privilege), but most guys realize that talking about it directly will provide the most insight, whether it be from what she says or how she says it. Sure, environment can be a huge factor; I myself have lived in places where Asian Americans only made up like 1% of the options in my age range. But in any city with a decent Asian American population, a trend of dating non-Asians ultimately tells me that, as an Asian American, I have an extra obstacle to overcome if I want to be with an Asian woman.

          If that’s their preference, so be it. But if it’s truly a racial preference, I consider it to be as shallow as a bank account preference. The more a girl places weight on things like that, the less I trust her judgment. Of course, this is coming from a guy with trust issues. And most people generally make some stupid dating choices early on. So if a woman with a track record of non-Asian exes wants to date me, then she clearly doesn’t place too much importance on those trivial kinds of things, and I don’t see why I wouldn’t give it a shot.

          After all, why should ‘I’ be the one to feel bad just because she doesn’t like guys who are intelligent, charming, and great in bed?

Orange County, CA

“How Hot Is She?”

          “Whenever I see an Asian woman with a White man, I judge her. I want to say that as a mature individual I’ve progressed beyond that, but then I’d be lying. Exactly how I judge her depends on how attractive she is.

          We all know a significant number of non-Asian men fetishize Asian women, and let’s be honest, many of them can’t tell the difference between a ‘nine’ and a ‘four’. So when the woman is unattractive, I assume the man is satisfying an Asian fetish, and the poor girl is just playing her cards the best she knows how.

          The story changes significantly when I see an attractive Asian woman with a White man. I’m torn between two impulses. The first is to write her off as one of those self-hating Asian women who has become brainwashed by the media. The second is to rise to the challenge and show her how sexy and sophisticated Asian men can be.

          When it comes down to it, if she’s hot and she’s into me, I’d give her a shot, but not without some initial judgment.”

Los Angeles, CA

“Equal Opportunity.”

          “The first thing that popped into my head when I read the question was the Wong Fu Production short film ‘Yellow Fever’. If you have ever watched the short, it illustrates the lack of opportunities for Asian American men to date Asian American women. Whether it is true or not, many Asian American males feel this way. (Look at some of the online dating stats and you’ll see that this feeling is more fact than fiction.

          Most Asian guys would not have an issue dating her, but there would be curiosity lingering in the back of his mind as to why she hasn’t dated Asian men. Initially, his opinion of her would not be any different than someone who has dated Asian men. However, based on the answer to the question ‘Why have dated exclusively or mostly white/non-Asian men in the past?,’ the guy’s opinion might change. It’s a dealbreaker if the response is related to disliking her own Asian culture. Not a dealbreaker if she never had an opportunity to date an Asian guy.”

Bottom Line

          Ultimately, you’re more likely to be judged on your present state of mind than your relationship past. While a non-Asian history may be open to initial judgment and skepticism, it likely won’t lead to any lasting resentment or hostility as long you make your interests clear. If it becomes a barrier, you’re up against a bigger problem: his ego.


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