Liu Wen is a great example of this look. Photo Credit: Elle China
Dec 17, 12:39 pm
Rounder Asian faces become a blessing when we still get carded into our thirties, but for those who want a slimmer look, here’s a simple trick to achieving a chiseled face using bronzer and blush.
Lengthen your face using these simple steps:
1. Take a powder brush with bronzer and begin at the base of your ear. Sweep toward the center of your face by following an imaginary line toward the corner of your mouth.
2. Make sure to blend the bronzer thoroughly as you get closer to the center of your face, keeping the line heavier toward the base of your ear.
3. Take a light, peachy colored blush and sweep it gently across the side of your cheekbones, avoiding the apples of your cheeks. This will highlight your cheekbones with soft color to help create the illusion.
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