Nov 16, 12:09 pm
1. Over-tweeze and shave eyebrows into oblivion.
2. Color me crazy. Using wrong shades of eye shadow colors can end in disaster. Asian skin varies from as light and as fair as Caucasian skin to as dark as Latino skin. For example, a shade of brown for olive skin may not be appropriate for pale skin. Finding just the right shades takes detective work. Once you find them, eye shadows will last a whole year. Color hunting is a good investment.
3. Elementary eyeline. Drawing liquid eyeliner without any shadows for gradual fading looks forced and dated and often causes eyes to look smaller and exaggerated.
4. Abuse brights. Bright colors can look great, so great they completely captivate the audience to the feature they’re painted on, leaving the rest of the face ignored and irrelevant.
5. Use too light of a foundation. It’s common for women to apply foundation that’s too light. If you can’t part with your current favorite, at least blend down onto neck and ear lobes with powder to avoid looking like a Kabuki actor.
6. Overline. Using a drastically darker lip liner and filling the rest of your lips with a lighter shade of lipstick screams for attention—the wrong kind.
7. Hide your full potential. Some of us have been conditioned to prize thinner lips but let’s face it: full lips are sexy. Be proud of it if you have full lips, and don’t be ashamed to slightly overdraw your lip line if you are thin-lipped.
8. Live in the past. Makeover colors and styles that work at 18 won’t at 60. Your wardrobe style, coloring, hair style, and even facial features have changed, so adapting is a necessity. Go ahead, do it.
9. Under-blend. A big time makeup crime is not blending enough. Get those makeup brushes out and blend, blend, blend.
10. Religiously recycle. Throw age-old colors away. Don’t collect them on your dresser. They don’t appreciate in value.
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