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Dec 29, 10:16 pm
For those many Asian women who aren’t natural extroverts, being outgoing is a cultivated skill. If you want to become more open with people (without that extra glass of champagne), here are some steps you can take to pry youself out of that shell:
Get Passionate About Something
Has anyone ever asked you what you liked to do in your spare time and you drew a blank? Well, it’s about time you get passionate about something—anything! Not only are extra activities good for your overall health, but taking an active interest in things makes you an interesting and unique individual.
A major reason why shy people don’t feel compelled to share themselves with others is because they don’t feel like they have much to share. Ever notice how people naturally gravitate toward those who have a wealth of knowledge or a world of experiences? Once you get on your way to mastering the tango or the downward dog you’ll find a renewed spirit of excitement you can pass onto others.
Be Curious
Without curiosity in other people, it’s difficult to be outgoing. Next time you’re out at the mall, or walking down the street, take an interest in someone and ask yourself questions about them. Where did she get her haircut? I wonder if he’s from around here. Once you make the effort, you’ll start to notice things about people you haven’t seen before. This ability will serve you well in conversation.
Rule of thumb: one part you, three parts them; meaning only talk about yourself a third of the time, and ask them questions about themselves three-fourths of the time. It will take the spotlight off of you, while giving them an opportunity to talk about themselves. If you find it challenging to find conversation starters, make a list of questions you can ask people ahead of time. As you get more comfortable doing this, you’ll find the natural flow of conversation.
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