Nov 16, 10:35 pm
Let’s face it, few of us who are starting college were the coolest chicks in high school. Thank heavens, too, because most of those girls are probably in rehab, or worse! But as you look ahead to at least four years among other young people who share a more balanced approach toward life, you can’t help feeling the urge to step out a bit — without falling off a cliff?
So you’re ready for a few rules finally! Here are seven:
1. Moderate Your Party Time
You can find a party seven days the week. Or you can see yourself as a precious gem. If diamonds came a dime a dozen would you still want them? Keep that in mind as you budget your party time. Make a habit of popping into every social gathering and you will soon find your social status dropping into the bargain basement. You can party hearty or chill with suitemates a few days of the week, but partying six or seven days a week crosses the line between having a few laughs and becoming the campus joke. Make a habit of hiding yourself away in the bowels of a library three or four nights a week. It will add to your mystery quotient while elevating your future career prospects a notch or two… or three.
2. Don’t Be a Flake
In high school you could get away with breaking promises to friends. In college you’ll be judged by adult rules. If you make a date and show up late or worse, you’ll become known as a flake. If you lie, you’ll be known as a sleaze. If you borrow without repaying, you’ll be known as a deadbeat. A rap like that can destroy your prospects of being accepted by your peers. College is the best place to build yourself a reputation as a solid, trustworthy person because the rep will boost you for the rest of your life.
3. Dress Without Excess
In high school you could get away with showing up in school in a micromini and a clingy, cleavage-bearing top. In college come to class looking like a disco queen and you will be branded with a scarlet C (for cheap). No longer will dressing inappropriately be written off to naivetŽ or bad taste. What you wear will be seen as signals of your character, IQ and sexual availability. Does that mean you have to dress like a nun? Hell no! Want to show off some leg? Go ahead, wear that skirt, but keep the top conservative. If you wear jeans then wear that cute halter you’ve been dying to show off. Of course there are ways to look great without having to show anything. Buy that flattering peacoat that cinches at the waist. You can also draw eyeballs just by putting yourself together. It’s all a matter of balance. And keep in mind that in college you can impress more with your brain than your body.
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